Thank you for your interest in celebrating your marriage in our parish.
Please read through the information below and then complete the form below for processing:
Many people get married in church because they want to recognise that marriage is a gift from God.
When two people exchange their marriage vows when in the presence of the church they are not simply joined together in the married state, but God gives them a special grace to support each other in their union.
When this happens, marriage becomes a sacrament of God and as such cannot be broken by human means. Jesus said that which God has joined let no man divide.
Marriage is a long commitment to each other and to God it is not to be embarked upon without serious thought because when you get married there are a lot of sacrifices to be made but many blessings also to be received.
Marriage between the Baptised is a sacrament, a sign of the Covenant of love between God and His people.
By the solemn vows a couple confer this Sacrament and God gives them the Grace to be faithful to the promises they have made.
Marriage is a specific way of living out the Christian faith.
Through their faithful love and through generous living of Christian family life, husband and wife witness to their faith and help to strengthen and build up God’s family, the Church.
Marriage is not a private matter, and it is a sign to the world of God’s presence with us.
Marriages are celebrated at 12 noon and 2pm on Saturdays throughout the year and are arranged with Father Robbie O’Callaghan.
Diocesan law requires a minimum of six months prior notice to enable the necessary arrangements and preparations.
All couples will be expected to attend a marriage preparation course.
If you or your intended spouse have previously been married, you must see the priest before considering getting married.
You will be invited to meet Fr Robbie to prepare for the marriage on 4-5 occasions and also be asked to attend a Marriage Care Day with other couples, usually on one Saturday
The rehearsal will take place within a fortnight prior to the wedding.
The people who should attend the rehearsal are the bride and groom, the best man and head bridesmaid and those who will be taken active part in the wedding service.
By the time of the rehearsal, it is imperative that the marriage licences from the registrar be ready and already have been presented to the priests.
All fees for the marriage are due in a full three months before the wedding takes place.
You may wish to produce your own order of service for your wedding.
We encourage this, however it is necessary it conforms to the proper liturgical.
Fr Robbie will be able to advise you through the appropriate choice of prayers, hymns, and readings.
You must show one of the priests your final draft copy prior to sending off for printing.
You have the choice of hymns and music for your wedding, however you will be required to confirm with the priest – inappropriate music will not be permitted.
Fr Robbie will be happy to help and advise you.
The fees for music are negotiated between you and the parish organist.
Informing the registry office once you have booked a date for your wedding at the assumption little Thomas More you need to go to your local registry office, I do fall under move your intention tomorrow please make these arrangements as soon as possible from the 1st of January the civil preliminaries to marriage have changed notice of marriage by licences abolished and instead there is the standard 15 day notice. Notice must be given to the districts where both classes have had their usual residence for the seven days prior to giving notice each party must now attend in person before their Superintendent registrar in order to give their notice of marriage you will be issued with the certificate granting legal permission for your wedding to take place please give the certificate to one of the clergy as soon as you have it you may be asked who will register the marriage and will need to tell them that Mister Alan Simmons has that responsibility
• Weddings at either parish £200.00
• Preparation of couples marrying elsewhere £100.00 to parish funds (includes completing paperwork)
• Fees are subject to change.
Note: If for any reason money is a major problem, this will be renegotiated via Fr Robbie.
New Sacramental Provision for All Saints, Hassop Our Lady & St Joseph, Matlock
To be discussed directly with Fr Robbie, Parish Priest.